Team Launch and First races
On saturday the 15th we had our team presentation/launch at the cinema in Bricquebec. We were presented to a small crowd, with a long speech about all of our sponsors, the race program for the year and a comment from each of the clubs presidents. Luckily I wasn't interviewed by the presenters as I'm not sure my French is up to that standard yet! We also had a good amount of photos taken, and somehow I managed to sneak in the front.

This week I am racing the Circuit des Plages Vendeenes:
18/2/14 Chantonnay 131.5km
20/2/14 La Chapelle Hermier 140.3km
22/2/12 Challans 139.5km
23/2/14 Saint Jean de Monts 140.5km
It is a series of 5 races of which our team is riding 4. Ive been selected to ride all of them. Im really looking forward to getting stuck into the racing now. I've been wanting to get racing for months and can't wait to test out the legs.
This year I'm being kindly supported by a very well know and prestigious fund, The Dave Rayner Fund. This week I received from them and from Prendras Ciclismo a supply of very nice cotton caps!

If you get on line at all profits from sales go to the fund which helps allot of riders each year to try and achieve their ambitions and dreams in road racing.
For now its back to getting ready for the week away on the south coast and my first races of the year.
An update on how they go will be posted up when I get back. Keep an eye on this space.