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2015 Support and the Future

In the fading light of 2015 I wanted to take this opportunity to thank every single person who has helped me this year. Triathlon is one of the hardest individual sports on the planet but you simply can't do it alone.

I wanted to thank Simon Aske at Colin Lewis Cycles and Aske Bikes. Simon has supported me for so many years now and I can't appreciate what you have done for me enough. Pedal Potential has been a huge help this season and has enabled me to get to all of my races this season, what the guys have set up is truly amazing and they all deserve recognition for what they are doing to help young cyclists and triathletes. Yanto and everybody at Le Col for making me a classy Tri-suit to race in and for providing me with top quality bike kit to train in year round. A huge thank you to Luke Watson and everyone in the Loughborough Triathlon Performance Centre for turning me into a proper triathlete and getting me established in the sport. I really wouldn't be in this position without Luke's help this year. HUUB your support though wetsuits and swim kit has been incredibly useful and I feel privileged to wear the best wetsuit and swim-skin at races. Cervelo and Russell Mather thank you for your support at the end of the season, it's an honour to be astride the fastest bikes on the planet, I'm looking forward to our future in the sport together. My gratitude to the Jeremy Willson Charitable Trust for your continued support, a trust that has helped me ever since I started cycling. Thanks to OTE for the Nutrition support you gave me though-out the season. And a big thank you to everyone behind the scenes, parents, family, friends, the people I train with in the week and to all the amazing people I have met through triathlon.

2016 is shaping up to be an incredible year, my first in the pro ranks. Thank you Race-force, Pedal Potential, Pearl Izumi, Compressport, Lazer, Cervelo, HUUB, JWCT, for your agreed and continued support and sponsorship. Many of these companies and people have begun working with me already making preparations ahead of 2016 and giving me kit to train in and with through the winter. I'm really looking forward to working long term with Mark Pierce my coach. I started with Mark in October and we have made so much progress already, I can't wait to see what we can do working together in the years ahead.

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year and all the best for a successful 2016 ahead!

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